Government of the people, by the people: it might not turn out as you'd hoped.
When a US president hands power to voters, they enforce religious law and launch an attack on Chinese oil fields.
While newscaster Karen Ferreira relates the alarming news on TV, her husband Jack is called in to a despairing White House.
But all Jack knows about is fungi.
near future thriller full-length story ~ 45 pages
Parasite of Choice
“Talk about a piece of slime.” “Sweetheart, it’s the God’s honest truth.” “You’re such a smartass, Jack, I don’t know why you didn’t think of it before. So let me read that back: you’ll be working overtime at an undisclosed location on a project that you cannot divulge without going to jail. In fact, you can’t tell me anything at all. Except you might have to go away suddenly. It’s so neat and sweet you could wrap it up and tie a ribbon on it...."